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Fairy Spectacle   光景 


该装置内部安置一台手机,其手机号码曾用于公司注册,几乎每天都会收到多通诸如贷款、办公室租赁、买房之类的骚扰电话。当有电话打来时,装置内部会由于电磁原理根据信号发出扰人的噪音,并发出同频次的光,悬置中心的象山雕塑在机械结构的带动下不断起伏。 充满噪音的时代,只要名声在外,哪怕内心已不动如山,仍要不断的与环境做对抗。

Inside the installation is a mobile phone whose number was once used for company registration. It receives some harassing calls almost every day, such as loan offers, office space rentals, and real estate deals. When a call comes in, the device, based on electromagnetic principles, emits disturbing noises and corresponding frequencies of light. The sculpture suspended in the center, constantly undulates through the mechanical structure's movement. In an era filled with noise, as long as one's reputation is prominent, even if the inner self remains unmoved, there is still a continuous need to confront the environment.

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